The Goddess Lives Within
I believe every woman is a Goddess. The Divine spark embedded in her DNA translates to the ultimate expression of Divine Feminine energy;...
I believe every woman is a Goddess. The Divine spark embedded in her DNA translates to the ultimate expression of Divine Feminine energy;...
Why have peoples from across the globe been captivated by the image of the Moon since the beginning of time? Does she symbolize some...
Today is “World Sound Healing Day,” I honor all those so moved to chant, tone or strike a bell to help create a positive shift in our...
On the celestial heels of the Super Wolf Full Moon, the Lunar Eclipse and the celebration of All Hearts Day tomorrow, I find it an...
We are racing towards the Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse - the Super Blood Wolf Moon & Eclipse energies are ramping up. They will be...
The full Moon rises this Friday at 12:39 A.M. EST, but it will be visible in the sky tonight. The Algonquin Nation calls this beautiful...
Samhain is a time-honored celebration and fire festival from long ago that evolved from Pagan and Celtic traditions that honored the...
The golden light and falling leaves strewn across my yard can only mean we have slipped into autumn. The geese glide across my canal...
The light is golden this time of year. A cornucopia filled with russet pears, honey crisp apples, cinnamon nut muffins, seeds and grain...
When the Goddess Selene showers the world with bright moonbeams, it’s the perfect time to look within and cast off what no longer works...
The New Moon is approaching just as darkness is beginning to descend upon us earlier every day. The New Moon, also called the Dark Moon,...