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Our Center reverberates with the healing vibrations of Mother Gaia and the Cosmos. 

"Frequencies and vibrations, act as sparks to ignite the body’s innate ability to heal." 

We embrace the words “New Frontiers in Healing” knowing we are guided by the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Source to new systems of healing and wisdom to share.  Our sacred pledge is to continually grow and enhance our knowledge and abilities, enabling us to offer a path for healing, self-realization and peace.  

We are excited and blessed to share this amazing time with you.  May each person heal and remember their true nature.


Peace + Light.

Meet Valerie and Victoria


New Frontiers in Healing
Dragon Star EnergyWorks Co-Founders
Anchor 1

What is Cosmic Gaia Reiki®?

It is a new frequency-wave system of Reiki, Ascension

and Becoming transmitted by the Archangels, Ascended Masters

and Dragon Lords


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© Dragon Star EnergyWorks LLC 2018

All Rights Reserved. 

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