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What is Vibrational Sound Therapy?


Sound is all around us - it is the drone from the city streets, or a loud screeching wail from a siren.  It may lull us to sleep, rev our emotions or provide an opportunity for a transformative experience.   Sound influences our emotional states and physiology.  Our bodies were designed to function in a state of homeostasis.  Adverse experiences, stress and disease can change the functioning of our body and we lose that unique state of balance.  Sound therapy can help restore regulatory function by retuning our body to a harmonious state.


In his book, The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery from Life-Threatening Illness Using Sound, Voice and Music (Shambhala, 1999) Michael Gaynor, MD states “I believe that sound can play a role in virtually any medical disorder, since it redresses imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning.”


Sound therapy provides an opportunity for Alpha and Theta brainwave frequencies to be activated and optimized during a healing session. These waves facilitate deep levels of relaxation, allowing the body to rejuvenate and optimize immune system functioning.  The chakra system can be rebalanced as the vibrations of the bowls break up stagnant energy; retuning each energy center to its ideal vibratory rate.


When singing bowls and gongs are played, they create a harmonic healing resonance. These unique energies flow into our body, with the purpose of restoring balance and harmony.  As the higher sound vibrations of the instruments entrain the lower vibratory rates within the body energy centers and organs can become balanced.   The vibrations from the Tibetan Tones® Singing Bowls foster a deep sense of relaxation and well-being. The harmonics enhance the resting state and feelings of calmness and peace arise. 


Our bodies are a composite of over a trillion cells.  These cells carry memory from our conception, childhood and current life patterns.  Memories from past generational family issues can be stored at the cellular level, as well as, the emotional level.  The vibrations of the bowls affect every cell, offering the possibility for release and the cellular remembrance of optimum health.  


Clients have reported feeling the vibrations travel across their skin, down their spinal column and out their feet.  Some have experienced better sleep and less chronic pain.  Others have identified feeling an overall sense of wellness and peace as they go about their day.  Sound speaks to our body orchestrating a symphony of healing possibilities as it harnesses the power of creation.

Sound Sessions: Private 


Each session is about retuning, restoration and personal discovery.  A partnership with the bowls is formed allowing for a deeper state of relaxation and healing.


The use of handmade pure alloy metal Tibetan Tones® Singing Bowls will be used on and around the body for vibrational energy work. Please email for more information.


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*Note: Sessions must all be scheduled and used within a 12 -week time frame.  


Sound energy therapy sessions are given for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation to promote natural self-healing. The use of sound is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment.  If you have a health problem, health question or medical emergency, you are advised to consult your doctor immediately.

Sound Journey: Semi-Private


Experience a journey of sound as you are transported by celestial tones emanating from singing bowls, gongs, chimes, rain sticks and cosmic whistles.  Surrender to the frequencies of peace as you fall deeper and deeper into a meditative state.


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Sound energy therapy sessions are given for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation to promote natural self-healing. The use of sound is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment.  If you have a health problem, health question or medical emergency, you are advised to consult your doctor immediately.


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