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Soul-Light Transformational Movement Private Sessions


Each session is about remembering and honoring your body.  Each person moves at their own pace as they begin to intuitively discover their own natural state-of-being.  SLTM is deep, personal exploration. Through movement we are able to unearth, explore and release one’s history and take steps to reclaim our aliveness


Those wishing private sessions in movement can email or call me for more information.


Fee: $85.00 1 hour


Soul-Light Transformational Movement™ Groups & Workshops


See Calendar of Events for dates and times.



Soul-Light Transformational Movement 101:  Beginning of the Remembering Process


We will wake-up our cellular memory and begin the Soul-Light journey. Through intuitive movement and body meditations we will initiate the recovery process, reconnecting with aspects of self once forgotten. This one-day workshop is open to all. No previous movement experience or courses required. 


Fee: $111.00, 9:30 – 5:00 with a one-hour lunch break


Women’s Movement and Awareness Groups “This is My Body”


Expand your breath.  Open your body.  Claim your size.


This group meets weekly for 6 weeks to discover the power stored within the feminine body.    

We meet 6:30 – 9:30PM.


You will be provided an opportunity to:

- Reclaim your body as a place of power and joy

- Learn ways to express your grandness through your body

- Deepen your connection and sensation with the earth - our Mother

- Integrate your emotional and spiritual energies

-Accept yourself as a harmonious whole 

No previous movement experience or courses required. 


Fee:  $275.00


The 13 Chakras: Dancing the Divine Connection - Workshop


Learn and connect to your expanded chakra system. Through movement, voice, sound and essential oils, each chakra will be explored and honored. We dance and move reveling in self-expression and discovery. This full-day workshop is for women only.  No previous movement experience or courses required.


Fee:  $111.00, 9:30 – 5:00 with a one-hour lunch break


Movement and Prayer: Reconnecting with the Stillness and Beauty of Mother Gaia and Ancient Creator - Workshop


We begin by honoring the four directions in prayer and meditation.  We will discuss breathing and the joy of moving in meditation. We will discover our connection to prayer and the gifts it offers.  This is a powerful and transformational experience for each member and for the group as a whole. This one-day workshop is open to all.  No previous movement experience or courses required. 

Fee:  $111.00, 9:30 – 5:00 with a one-hour lunch break


Awakening the Creative Spirit Workshop


“Look, I’m a bear, a dolphin, a bee, said I.” Spirit comes in many ways, through the guise of animal totems, dreams and words. By Awakening the Creative Spirit, we connect with the natural world and the land of faeries, dragons, animal guides and infinite possibilities. 


Using movement, guided meditation and sound journeying, we will welcome our “support” team.  We will explore these energies and ask for guidance, as each participant brings with them an intent/focus that they would like to work on.  Or, you may allow spirit to move you in a particular direction. We will dance, draw and journal our experiences. This one-day workshop is open to all.  No previous movement experience or courses required. 


Fee:  $111.00, 9:30 – 5:00 with a one-hour lunch break


Losing a Loved One: Moving Out the Grief - Workshop


Loss is very personal and cannot be measured in days, weeks or years.  In grieving, we find ourselves experiencing the depth of the ocean or wandering in unknown terrain. How do you remember the love and release the pain? In a sacred and safe environment, we will explore intuitive movements to aid in the release of grief and loss, allowing for healing to begin.  All are welcome. No previous movement experience or courses required. 


Fee:  $111.00, 9:30 – 5:00 with a one-hour lunch break


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