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Cosmic Council 


Receive channeled messages from the Archangels, Ascended Masters or Elementals, while you sit in sacred space aligned with the higher vibrations of the Cosmos.  Listen to Universal Truths and receive inspirational and uplifting messages from these Ascended Beings of Light. These beings emit the vibration of pure love and when asked become guides on our journey, gently reminding us we are all Divine.  The session is offered via Zoom video conference, phone or in person. An MP4 is made of the channeled session and emailed to you. 


Fee:  $111.00, 1 hour


Cosmic Council and Angelic Reiki


The Cosmic Council members share their guidance and positive influences in a private reading, which then continues as a sacred healing via Angelic Reiki.  This extended session of the Cosmic Council and Angelic Reiki combined, brings a new paradigm to deeper healing. The session is offered  via Zoom video conference, phone or in person.  An MP4 is made of the channeled session and emailed to you. 


Fee:  $150.00, 1½ hours


Cosmic Council & Crystal Catalyst Healing


An extended session of channeled messages from the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Elementals, combined with a Crystal Catalyst healing.  This session provides spiritual guidance and healing energies to assist in the renewal of body, mind and spirit.  To facilitate the continuation of this work, you will receive crystals and affirmations for use in your own sacred space.   An MP4 is made of the channeled session and emailed to you.


Fee:  $150.00, 1½ hours


The Ascent Series 


For those ready to release, renew and raise their vibration at an accelerated rate, a series of six personal Cosmic Council sessions are scheduled.  This series is to be completed within a three-month span, during which time you will receive from the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Elementals: spiritual guidance, homework, meditations, light language activations and crystals as directed.  This series is transformative, leading to profound growth.  All channeled sessions will be recorded and an MP4 will be emailed to you.


Fee:  $444.00


Sunday Afternoons with the Cosmic Council


Meet the first Sunday of each month with fellow explorers of consciousness to form community, while you share light vegetarian refreshments and listen to a channeled session from the Cosmic Council.  You may be listening to an Archangel, Ascended Master, Planetary Brotherhood, Dragon or receive a Light Language Activation Blessing.  It is always an informative message of Love, upliftment and support.  If you have wondered what channeling is all about, this is an opportunity to experience a channeled message in a group setting and drink in the energies of pure love.


Fee:  $45.00, the session runs from 12:30PM – 3:00 PM, light refreshments served


Calling All Archangels, Circles of Compassion & Healing


A series of 16 circles designed to explore the energies and wisdom of the 16 Archangels.

 We will meet the 3rd Thursday of every month to experience the lofty energies of the Angelic Kingdom. We will learn to distinguish the varied energy signatures of each Archangel and how to work with them.  The use of specific crystals and essential oils that resonate with each Archangel and their overall affect on our human physiology will be discussed.  Everyone will receive a programmed quartz crystal, which has been anointed with frankincense oil to aid them in their continued connection with the Archangels.


Fee:  $55.00, 7.00 PM – 10:00PM, light refreshments served




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